Thruster V2 (0.3% Fee Tier) exchange 24 hours trading volume is 0.358 BTC. Thruster V2 (0.3% Fee Tier) exchange is established in year 2024 at country (Not Available) and secured Rank 438 in the cryptocurrency exchange market.
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Thruster V2 (0.3% Fee Tier)
0.358 BTC
# | Cryptocurrency | Pair | Price | Volume (24H) |
Blast | 0XB1A57.../0X43000... | $0.006310 | $5,306 | |
L2 Standard Bridged Weth Blast | 0X43000.../0X43000... | $3,330.10 | $13,658 | |
Juice Finance | 0X818A9.../0X43000... | $0.001478 | $3,540 | |
Kapital Dao | 0X15D24.../0X43000... | $0.009875 | $2,584 | |
Early | 0X7135B.../0X43000... | $0.002202 | $1,837 | |
Bag | 0XB9DFC.../0X43000... | $0.00064732 | $1,561 | |
Sekai Glory | 0XD5828.../0X43000... | $0.00052362 | $720 | |
Yel Finance | 0X94918.../0X43000... | $0.009799 | $380 | |
Crypto Valleys Yield Token | 0X67FA2.../0X43000... | $0.001308 | $297 | |
Kapital Dao | 0X15D24.../0XB1A57... | $0.009905 | $493 | |
Titan Trading Token | 0X87E15.../0X43000... | $0.0400 | $52 | |
Super Sushi Samurai | 0XFD4D1.../0X43000... | $0.0000000037 | $323 | |
Blastup | 0X59C15.../0X43000... | $0.003232 | $4,946 | |
Blastoff | 0XD55ED.../0X43000... | $0.0225 | $470 | |
Ai Waifu | 0X129ED.../0X43000... | $0.423 | $487 | |
Eesee | 0X491E6.../0X43000... | $0.0273 | $866 | |
Zaibot | 0X68449.../0X43000... | $0.0402 | $23 | |
Neptunex | 0X75483.../0X43000... | $0.00014509 | $4 |