Jupiter Project current market price is $0.00093690 with a 24 hour trading volume of $64,945. The total available supply of Jupiter Project is 1.00B JUP with a maximum supply of (Not Available) JUP. It has secured Rank 4028 in the cryptocurrency market with a marketcap of $937.30K. The JUP price is -7.95% down in the last 24 hours.
The lowest price of the Jupiter Project is $0.00015682 & the highest price is $0.001153 in the last 24 hours. Live Jupiter Project prices from all markets and JUP coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Jupiter Project price movements. Check our coin stats data and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell Jupiter Project at best price in the market.
$-0 -7.95%
$0.00015682 / $0.001153
$937.30K -7.94%
1.00B JUP
(Not Available) JUP
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# | Exchange | Pair | Price | Volume (24h) |
Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) | 0X4B1E8.../0XC02AA... | $0.00097256 | $31,697 | |
Bilaxy | JUP/ETH | $0.00090317 | $33,256 | |
PancakeSwap (v2) | 0X0231F.../0XBB4CD... | $0.00018221 | $3,761 | |
PancakeSwap V1 (BSC) | 0X0231F.../0XBB4CD... | $0.00018021 | $1,303 | |
Matcha (BSC) | 0X0231F.../0X55D39... | $0.00015751 | $23 |
BLOCKCHAIN is cutting edge technology that has the ability to solve many fundamental problems in society.Using Jupiter, we strive to make this technology accessible by everyone and that is why we created Gravity, a versatile framework that interfaces with our blockchain, Jupiter.Gravity allows us to build distributed applications (DAPPS) that solve issues involving trust, provenance, privacy, security and accountability, for businesses and consumers alike.With Gravity, legacy applications can be upgraded to a blockchain-enabled web application with the capability of storing data in an encrypted, immutable and replicated fashion.Our applications can be internal or external facing based on the clients and regulatory requirements.The open-source Jupiter software is the core of our operations. It powers our public blockchain, allowing anyone to participate. Jupiter can also be deployed in a private network based on the clients’ requirements for their approved users only.Data is always encrypted – Locally at the level of the application using military-grade encryption, then it is sent to processing nodes via SSL and encrypted using Jupiter’s built in protocol encryption before being stored.Automatic data replication across nodes – Jupiter fully and automatically replicates data to any conforming node on the Jupiter network. A private blockchain is an alternative to store sensitive information whereby company policy or laws make it impossible to store them on the public chain.Data is immutable, nodes are easily replaced – Every node in a public decentralized system or private blockchain has a consensus correct copy of the blockchain database. Data quality is maintained and agreed upon by consensus algorithms and stored in a computationally trusted decentralized database which allows full verification.